Nº 81. Young People and Political Participation

Coordination: Jorge Benedicto y Andreu López Blasco.
Young People's Studies Magazine. The participation of young people in politics, which is the subject that this issue of the Magazine is devoted to, is one of those topics that, at a first glance, seems to have been fully dealt with in the past, so much so that nothing new can be added, apart from mentioning once again, the pessimistic predictions that can be gleaned from public opinion.
However, if one goes more deeply into its characteristics and the way it has evolved, paying particular attention to the different contexts in which this participation takes place, one finds it surprising just how complex the matter is, how difficult it is to reach final conclusions one way or another and, above all, how little we know about why and how young people participate in politics in this globalised society.
Documentos adjuntos:
Cover and Index
1. Young people and politics: disconnected, sceptical, an alternative, or all of it at the same time?
2. Continuity and cleavage in the political experience of young people
3. We vote and then we suffer. Survey results in the light of young people¿s views on participation
4. Young people's trajectories of political participation in Europe: Cohort effects of life-cycleeffects?
5. Making a Difference? Political Participation of Young People in the UK
6. Meanings and forms of political involvement of young people in Italy
7. Political apathy? The evolution of political engagement of the Spanish youth since the 1980¿s
8. Who counts on Europe? ¿ An empirical analysis of the younger generation¿s attitudes inGermany
9. Voter participation of young Europeans. The case of the 2004 European Parliament elections
Young people of immigrant origin and their attitudes towards political participation. A comparative study with Greeks, Italians
Methodological note: Three DJI Youth Surveys: a replication study
Selection of document references
Young People and Political Participation: European Research. Complete magazine