Nº 77. Young people and constellations of disadvantage in Europe

Coordinator: Andreu López Blasco
Youth Studies Magazine. In the last few years the Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) has been following with interest and published the results of the social research project that is carried out through a youth survey based on a compared European perspective. We have learnt of the changes that have taken place in the conceptualization of youth transitions to adult life and the differences observed in different European Union countries.
The monographic report that we present today focuses on two situations which form part of what we call constellations of disadvantage in youths in Europe: a) youths who leave school early and whose qualifications do not go beyond compulsory secondary school level, and b) youths who are unemployed and/or whose contracts are temporary or precarious.
Documentos adjuntos:
Cover and Index (en)
Introduction (en)
Reactions of the European Unionto the situation of young people:Employment Plans, Lisbon Strategy,Comprehensive Reform Policies Reform Policies (en)
Disadvantaged Youth in Austria (en)
Constellations of Disadvantage and Policy Dilemmas in Youth Transitions from School to Work in Bulgaria (en)
Denmark: Answers to the constellations of disadvantage of young people in Denmark from the perspective of the individual (en)
Disadvantaged Youth in Slovenia (en)
The constellations of disadvantage become visible in Spain
Early school leaving in Finland ¿ a problem solved? (en)
Dealing with Disadvantage: an overview of the United Kingdom’s policy response to early school leaving, low attainment and the labour market. Andy Biggart, School of Education Queen’s University Belfast. (en)
Disadvantaged Youth in Europe: Constellations and Policy Responses (en)
Counselling as structuring and acting in processes of social and labour insertion young people: Deliberating from praxis? (en)
Materials (en)
Colaboration (en)